Dad's Biography

My work is all about “process painting” and has nothing to do with outcome. When I am driven to commence a work which is often, I have no idea what or how the final product will appear. Integral to the initiating process is the choice of color and the method of color application. As to color, I simply examine my paint bucket and select a pigment and hue that seems just right.I also decide whether I am going to use a pallet knife or brush. I deeply enjoy use of both. Again as with the choice of color, there is no way I rationalize the choice; it is grounded in impulse of the moment. I must say that I have never been disappointed once these choices have been made.

Once painting, the process takes over and leads me. I paint with broad sweeps, shaping colors as the process proceeds. As is obvious, my work has nothing to do with creating images that Represent anything in the “world out there”. In the language of official artistry my works are perhaps best described as abstract expressions.. although I really have no idea about classification and would leave those doings to others who might regard such matters as important.